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Collaborative Engine Pilot Project Program

The Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center (CFCCC) is accepting proposals from scientists who are interested in collaborating with the UCI High-end Mass Spectrometry Facility (HMSF) to address important biological research questions in cancer that can only be answered using the advanced technology available at the HMSF. Submit your proposal by Monday, September 16, 2024.

The Collaborative Engine Pilot Project Program uses high-end instrumentation to drive interdisciplinary team science that advances development of new technologies and methods, and their application to tackle important biological questions in cancer. Proposals should address important questions in cancer that can only be answered by using the HMSF’s technology and collaboration with facility scientists.

The work should advance both the scientific area of study and the field of high-end mass spectrometry through new experimental methods, analysis strategies, or other innovations. Proposals must demonstrate how collaboration with HMSF will be mutually beneficial. Selected proposals will have their basic experimental costs covered and access to HMSF equipment and specialty services will be provided at no cost through collaboration.

Applicants are encouraged to contact HMSF ( for technical consultation.

  • Limited to UC Irvine faculty.
  • Must be a UCI Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center (CFCCC) member at the time of award.
  • Award period: 1 year | Earliest funding start: November 1, 2024 
  • $5,000 toward supplies to prepare samples for collaborative experiments 
  • Allowable: limited to laboratory supplies and reagents
  • Unallowable: non-supply costs (e.g., salaries, equipment, travel, indirect costs)
  • HMSF technical consultation, project-based design, instrument use and operation, and analysis will be provided at no cost

Prior to proposal submission, applicants are encouraged to contact the HMSF ( for technical consultation.

Scientific Narrative (limited to 3 pages). Download template here.

  • Abstract: Summarize the main project goals and significance, the instrument(s) to be used, the research question to be addressed and its importance in cancer.
  • Specific Aims: Define the major hypotheses and briefly outline the approach. 
  • Preliminary Data: Show previous data that (1) demonstrates the feasibility of the proposed project, and (2) illustrates the limitations of current technology.
  • Justification for Using HMSF Instrument(s): Explain why existing technology is insufficient to address your specific aims and why access to HMSF instruments and collaboration with facility scientists is needed.
  • Experimental Design: Provide a plan for addressing the proposed specific aims. 
  • Data Quantification Strategy: Outline how the data will be analyzed and/or quantified to yield biologically relevant information. 
  • Measurable Outcome(s): Describe the immediate impact of your proposed work. Potential impacts could include generation of a novel hypothesis, preliminary data for a grant application, critical data to complete a manuscript in preparation, or other.
  • List of Cited References (does not count toward page limit)

Submit your proposal by Monday, September 16, 2024.


If you have any questions about the funding opportunity, please email