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Clinical Trials

Clinical trials are research studies to evaluate new drugs or devices aimed to improve treatments and the quality of life of patients. These trials are designed to test novel ways of treating cancer, finding and diagnosing cancer, preventing cancer, and managing side effects and other symptoms due to cancer. Clinical trials are the final step in a long process that begins with research in a lab. Clinical trials are the foundation of cancer screening, treatment and supportive care, allowing patients to receive the newest and most promising therapies. For more information, please contact us at or 877-827-8839.
doctors chatting together

Stern Center for Cancer Clinical Trials and Research

The Stern Center is the centralized office for cancer clinical research operations at UCI, providing high quality and efficient support for the development, activation, and completion of scientifically impactful cancer clinical trials.

technician discussing a body organ

CFCCC Newsletter

Learn more about our Cancer Center's basic, clinical and translational efforts to reduce the cancer burden in our community.