Travel Awards Home Trainee Membership Travel Awards Accepting Applications Application Deadlines: January 24, April 1, July 1 & October 1 APPLY NOW Supporting Cancer Research Careers - Travel Awards for Trainees Travel awards provide travel and conference funding to Trainee Members (e.g., students (undergraduate, graduate, or medical), postdoctoral scholars, residents, and fellows) involved in cancer research or oncology-focused clinical training at UC Irvine. Eligibility & Deadlines Eligibility Must be a Trainee Member at time of award. Must be accepted to present an in-person oral or poster presentation at a cancer-related conference. Must have Letter of Support from CFCCC member endorsing. Must submit application at least one month, but no more than three months, before conference travel. Deadlines January 24: For conferences between February 1 and April 30 April 1: For conferences between May 1 and July 31 July 1: For conferences between August 1 and October 31 October 1: For conferences between November 1 and January 31 Review Criteria Cancer Impact: Research or presentation has a significant and clear potential to advance cancer research, prevention, or treatment, and provides the foundation for future extramural funding. Scientific Rigor & Innovation: Research demonstrates high scientific rigor, innovative methods, or new perspectives in the field. Professional Development & Career Advancement: Conference attendance is highly relevant to applicant's professional development & career advancement. Funding Need and Equity: Applicant demonstrates clear funding need and has no alternative sources of support. Policies Travel Awards are reimbursed through your primary UC Irvine department. Please follow the guidelines below for a successful application and, if awarded, to ensure timely reimbursement. Application Guidelines Reimbursement is not available for travel completed before the award date. Eligible expenses include airfare, conference registration, lodging, ground travel, meals, and poster printing by ImageWorks. A budget justification is required with the application. Undergraduate students can request up to $1,000 Graduate students, postdocs, residents, and fellows can request up to $2,000 Only one trainee per CFCCC member per conference may receive an award, and the application must include a support letter from the CFCCC member. Preference will be given to applicants who do not have other existing funding sources (e.g., training grants, Anti-Cancer Challenge Team Funds, Departmental/Division support, etc.) to support their travel. Reimbursement Process Submit itemized receipts for approved expenses within 5 days of completing travel. Reimbursement is typically processed within 2 weeks of submitting all itemized receipts. Failure to provide required receipts may result in delayed reimbursement or revocation of award. Awardees will receive a Notice of Award and full reimbursement guidelines. FAQs What if I’m unsure if I’m an active Trainee Member or not? All active Trainee members would have received an email confirming their annual membership after completing the Trainee Membership application process. If you are unsure whether your Trainee Membership is active, contact In your email, please provide your full name, UCINetID, and faculty mentor’s name. When will I know if I received a Travel Award or not? Applicants will be notified within one month after submitting a complete application. Who do I contact for additional questions? Please email CFCCC Research Administration at