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Transgenic Mouse Facility (TMF)

The TMF provides services for making, breeding, genotyping, importing, and preserving genetically modified mice. The TMF offers practical instruction in use of genetically modified mice in biological and biomedical research. The TMF has extensive experience in Cas9/gRNA-based methodology to modify the mouse genome. Other services include production of genetically-modified animals via pronuclear microinjection, development of ES cell derived gene-targeted modifications, embryo and sperm cryopreservation and reanimation, and genotyping. We also offer services in targeted transgenesis (at ROSA26 and H11), BAC transgenesis, development of new lines of ES cells, chromosome counting services, Southern analysis, advice on molecular cloning services to develop BAC constructs, and development of genotyping assays. Additionally, the production of cohorts of age-matched experimental and control mice via hyper-ovulation, IVF and embryo transfer techniques.

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Optical Biology Core (OBC)

The OBC operates under the theme that technology enables discovery. Consequently, the goal of the OBC is to provide the best conventional microscopy platforms available and to develop and introduce novel optical methods that allow new discoveries to be made. OBC comprises three facilities on the UC Irvine campus: i) a self-use OBC facility equipped with fluorescence microscopes and image analysis software, ii) the Laser Microbeam and Medical Program (LAMMP), a collaborative facility dedicated to the use of lasers and other optics in Biology and Medicine, and iii) a flow cytometry facility in Hewitt Hall equipped with three multiparameter flowcytometers.

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Genomics Research and Technology Hub (GRT Hub)

The GRT Hub  provides genome-wide analysis for clients interested in gene expression, regulation of gene expression, and genome sequence and variation. The primary forms of genome-wide analysis are the Affymetrix GeneChip, Illumina HiSeq 2500 next generation sequencing and PacBio RS real-time single molecule sequencing. Through campus shared resources, services for other technologies include NanoString and Ion Torrent PGM. The GRT Hub has expanded and currently provides services to numerous outside academic and non-profit institutions, as well as commercial biotech entities.

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In Vivo Functional Onco-Imaging (IVFOI)

The IVFOI supports basic and clinical cancer researchers by providing expertise, imaging instrumentation, and image analysis techniques. The IVFOI works to integrate molecular and structural imaging modalities to provide exclusive, first-of-its-kind multi-modality imaging technologies, providing for a better understanding of the fundamental biochemical nature of cancer and for development of new contrast agents and molecular pathway-specific imaging probes.

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Experimental Tissue Resource (ETR)

The ETR provides basic, translational and clinical cancer center researchers access to, and analysis of, human and animal tissues. ETR leverages the technical and professional expertise of the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, offering four component services: Routine tissue histology/immunohistochemistry (IHC); tissue analysis, including laser capture microscopy (LCM); mouse pathology services; and genotyping services.

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Biostatistics Shared Resource (BSR) 

The BSR supports the conception, design, implementation, analysis and reporting of research conducted by members of the Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center. In addition, BSR faculty serve as liaisons to each of the cancer center’s Disease-Oriented Teams, keeping abreast of team developments and providing a first point of contact for assistance from the BSR with study design, data analysis, and new grant development.

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Biobehavioral Shared Resource (BBSR) 

BBSR provides a consultative service to assist researchers as they incorporate patient/participant reported outcomes into their projects. This support includes expertise on patient-reported outcome (PRO) instrument selection, PRO instrument development, and consideration for data collection assessment intervals and strategies to obtain valid and reliable PRO data. The BBSR has expanded service to include focus group design and conduct, offered in English and Spanish.

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Core Facility User Training

The Core Facility User Training provides an overview of using a core. Topics include logging into iLab, navigating the homepage, locating core facilities within iLab, submitting service requests, scheduling equipment use, and viewing reservations.

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Lab/Group Management Training (for PIs)

The Lab/Group Management Training provides an overview of managing a group. Topics include general navigation, managing members and payment information, accessing invoices and lab-level reporting.

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iLab Account Registration

All users are required to complete a one-time registration; once registered, the system will enable you to place service requests and monitor progress.

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