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California State Summer School for Mathematics and Science (COSMOS)

COSMOS is an intensive four-week summer residential program for students who have demonstrated an aptitude for academic and professional careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) subjects. Talented and motivated students completing grades 8-12 have the opportunity to work with renowned faculty, researchers and scientists in state-of-the-art facilities, while exploring advanced STEM topics far beyond the courses usually offered in California high schools. Through challenging curricula that are both hands-on and lab intensive, COSMOS fosters its students’ interests, skills, and awareness of educational and career options in STEM fields. During their stay, students are taught by world-renown UCI faculty, many of whom are CFCCC members.

Youth Science Fellowship Program

The UCI Cancer Research Institute sponsors a summer program in cancer research for high school students. The overall goal is to build the pipeline for the next generation of cancer researchers. A select group of high school students work in the laboratories of CRI affiliates for six weeks during the summer. They carry out bench work on research projects under the guidance of faculty, graduate students, postdoctoral researchers or technicians. They also attend a weekly seminar where they receive advice on careers and the college admissions process. At the end of the program they give an oral and poster presentation on their research.

Have first-hand exposure to our da Vinci robot and other state-of-the-art minimally invasive surgical devices.

Observe live surgical cases with UC Irvine’s top surgeons.

Become proficient in CPR and obtain Basic Life Support (BLS) Certification.

Learn anatomy through dissection courses and hands-on ultrasound training.

Hone their surgical skills through small-group workshops and much, much, more!

For more information about the program, please click the link below.

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