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NIH T32- Training Program in Cancer Biology and Therapeutics (CBT)

The Cancer Biology and Therapeutics (CBT) training program provides UCI graduate students and postdoctoral fellows with comprehensive, highly interdisciplinary training that includes cancer biology, the most current research methods, and a focus on translational science such as the development of novel cancer therapeutics and diagnostics. This foundation together with professional development activities produces well-trained experts armed to successfully attack the cancer problem from vantage points in both academia and industry. Principal Investigator: David Fruman, PhD

NIH T32- Gynecology Oncology Fellowship Program

The Gynecology Oncology Fellowship Program will train physician scientists in both the discovery of cures for different gynecologic cancers and in the realization of the meaningful quality of life among survivors. Our graduates will continue to be distinguished members of the academic medical field, leading and contributing to new advances in diagnosis and treatment of gynecologic cancer as both translational scientists and academic surgeons. Principal Investigator: Robert Bristow, MD

lab research

NIH R25 A Short Course in Cancer Systems Biology

An annual three-week course at the University of California, Irvine for training biomedical researchers with interests in applying System Biology approaches to the study of cancer. Systems Biology blends biology with concepts and methodologies derived from mathematics, computer science, engineering and physics, enabling researchers to approach and apply new tools to the complex and dynamic problems encountered in cancer.

testing samples

NIH R25 Systems Biology: A Foundation for Interdisciplinary Careers

A program to enhance the training and career development of scientists who seek to undertake interdisciplinary biological research in the field of Systems Biology, consisting of an annual three-week course followed by regular mentoring activities. The program will enable researchers to approach and apply modern quantitative tools to the complex and dynamic problems encountered in the life sciences.