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Biostatistics Shared Resource (BSR)

The mission of the Biostatistics Shared Resource (BSR) faculty and staff is to support the conception, design, implementation, analysis and reporting of research conducted by members of the Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center.
Request BSR Services

Submit a request form through iLab that collects pertinent information on the research request. Please also see below for in-person walk-in service details.

Click Here for iLab
BSR iLab User Guide

iLab is a web-based management tool designed to support operations for shared research resources. Beginning Monday, March 22, 2021, BSR will transition to iLab for all service requests, billing and invoicing, and reporting.

Click Here to Download
BSR Standard Operating Procedures

This document describes the standard operating procedures for statistical consulting and for recharge policies.

Click Here to Download

Informal statistical in-person walk-in or via Zoom consultations are available to discuss your study design and statistical needs. 

With Wen-pin Chen, MS, Senior Statistician & Manager for BSR:

With Thomas H. Taylor, PhD, Principal Statistician for BSR: 

  • Every Wednesday from 2 - 3 PM via Zoom | No pre-booking necessary, drop in here

Questions? For the quickest response, please email Wen-pin Chen, Senior Statistician and Manager of BSR. 

UC Irvine's Biostatistics Shared Resource Facility (BSR) offers the following consulting services to cancer researchers:

  • Statistical and design issues for new studies
  • Statistical analysis of data and consultation
  • Development of clinical research protocols 

The BSR has assisted in data analysis for such projects as genetic epidemiology studies, cancer etiology research, clinical studies to evaluate biological markers, the assessment of diagnostic methods and treatment modalities, cancer prevention clinical trials and in-vitro studies.

Specific services include:

  • Experimental design
  • Definition of major and secondary endpoints
  • Determination of sample size
  • Development of randomization schemes
  • Database design
  • Database management and quality control
  • Monitoring of side effects and compliance
  • Determination of appropriate statistical tests
  • Consideration of the assumptions underlying statistical procedures
  • Performance of interim and final analyses
  • Interpretation of statistical results
  • Preparation of reports, abstracts, manuscripts and grant proposals


The BSR assists with data analysis and abstract, manuscript, and presentation preparation. The Cancer Center will pay for the 1st hour of service for all funded Members and their co-authors for any cancer related activity. Thereafter the following hourly rates will apply.


Type of Consultant

UC, Irvine Rate

Senior Consultant




Junior Consultant



In the event that the work involves a funded award for which the biostatistician received a percent effort, these funds will replace the hourly recharge. Note that the effort for assistance with grant preparation for cancer-related studies is free-of-charge to funded Cancer Center members and their co-investigators.