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Beyond Cancer Spotlight: Daniel Rivas

Daniel Rivas, MA (he/him/el) is the Director, Office of Community Outreach and Engagement (COE) at the Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center (CFCCC).

1. What are your career/research interests? 

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My career and research interests have been deeply rooted in community and population health, with a strong emphasis on developing and executing impactful engagement strategies. I am passionate about leveraging data and insights to identify opportunities for enhanced engagement and delivering measurable outcomes. My expertise lies in leading cross-functional teams, fostering collaboration, and building relationships with key stakeholders to drive positive social impact and improve community health outcomes.

I have been dedicated to advancing health initiatives, addressing disparities, and integrating various health components to create comprehensive solutions. My focus has always been on ensuring that innovative practices and research are applied effectively to improve overall health and wellness. I aim to continue contributing to the strategic development and execution of community health initiatives, striving to make a meaningful impact on the health and well-being of diverse populations.

2. How did your early life experiences shape your education and career choices? 

Growing up as the middle child in a large immigrant family, I learned the importance of navigating different relationships and understanding how our environment shapes our decisions. Being raised in East LA, a community rich in history, pride, and culture, further influenced my perspective. These early life experiences honed my ability to engage with others on a relational level and developed my deep appreciation for the diverse backgrounds that make up our community.

3. What brought you to UCI?

My journey to UCI was driven by a combination of personal and professional motivations. Growing up as the middle child in a large immigrant family in East LA, I developed a keen understanding of the importance of education and community. My upbringing in a vibrant, culturally rich neighborhood instilled in me a deep appreciation for diversity and a passion for making a positive impact.

Professionally, I have always been drawn to environments that foster innovation, collaboration, and growth. UCI's commitment to cutting-edge research, inclusive community outreach, and comprehensive education perfectly aligns with my values and aspirations. The opportunity to contribute to such a prestigious institution, known for its dedication to excellence and community engagement, was an irresistible draw.

Moreover, UCI’s focus on multidisciplinary approaches and its supportive, dynamic atmosphere present the ideal setting for me to further develop my skills and make meaningful contributions. I am excited to be part of a community that not only values academic and professional excellence but also actively works to make a difference in the lives of its students and the broader community. 

4. How did you connect with others to build your own sense of community and belonging at work? 

Building a sense of community and belonging at work has always been a priority for me. These are some of the ways I have connected with others to foster this environment:

  1. Active Engagement: I make it a point to actively engage with colleagues, whether through casual conversations, collaborative projects, or team meetings. Taking the time to genuinely listen and understand others helps build strong relationships and trust.
  2. Participation in Social Events: I participate in and sometimes help organize social events and team-building activities. These informal settings provide opportunities to get to know colleagues on a personal level and create a sense of camaraderie.
  3. Open Communication: I believe in maintaining open and transparent communication. By sharing my thoughts, experiences, and ideas openly, I encourage others to do the same, fostering an inclusive and supportive work environment.
  4. Mentorship and Support: I have sought out mentors and also offered my support to others, especially new team members. Providing guidance and being available for advice helps create a supportive network.
  5. Cultural Appreciation: Given my background, I actively promote cultural awareness and appreciation within the workplace. I initiate and participate in discussions and activities that celebrate the diverse backgrounds of our team members.
  6. Professional Development: I engage in professional development opportunities and encourage others to join. Learning together and supporting each other's growth helps build a strong sense of community and shared purpose.
  7. Collaborative Projects: I seek out and participate in cross-departmental projects. Working with a diverse group of colleagues towards a common goal strengthens bonds and enhances teamwork.

By implementing these strategies, I have been able to build meaningful connections, foster a sense of community, and contribute to a positive and inclusive work environment.

5. What motivates you to serve your community and contribute to the CFCCC mission? 

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My motivation to serve the local community and contribute to the mission of the Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center (CFCCC) is deeply rooted in my personal experiences, professional values, and a profound sense of responsibility.

  1. Personal Connection: Growing up in a vibrant, culturally rich community in East LA, I witnessed firsthand the challenges faced by underserved populations, including limited access to quality healthcare. This instilled in me a profound understanding of the importance of community support and the need for equitable healthcare services.
  2. Cancer Survivor: As a gastric cancer survivor, I have a deeply personal connection to the fight against cancer. My own journey has given me firsthand experience of the physical, emotional, and psychological challenges faced by cancer patients and their families. This experience fuels my passion and commitment to support others battling this disease.
  3. Family Impact: My motivation is further strengthened by personal loss. In 2016, I lost my father to neuroendocrine cancer, and I have lost many other relatives to various forms of cancer. These losses have had a profound impact on me, reinforcing my determination to contribute to cancer research, education, and patient support.
  4. Alignment with CFCCC Mission: The CFCCC’s commitment to reducing the burden of cancer through research, education, and patient care resonates deeply with my values. I am inspired by the center's comprehensive approach, which not only focuses on cutting-edge research but also emphasizes community outreach and education.
  5. Desire to Make a Difference: I am motivated by the opportunity to make a tangible impact on people's lives. Contributing to the CFCCC allows me to play a part in advancing cancer research, improving patient care, and supporting preventive measures that can save lives and enhance the quality of life in our community.
  6. Professional Growth: Being part of CFCCC provides a platform for continuous learning and professional development. The collaborative and innovative environment at CFCCC encourages me to grow as a professional while making meaningful contributions to the community.
  7. Empathy and Compassion: My experiences growing up in a large immigrant family have taught me empathy and the importance of community support. Serving the local community through CFCCC enables me to give back and support those who may be facing similar challenges.
  8. Inspiration from Peers: Working alongside dedicated and passionate colleagues at CFCCC is incredibly motivating. Their commitment to the mission inspires me to contribute my best efforts to our shared goals.

These factors collectively drive my dedication to serving the local community and contributing to the mission of CFCCC. I am honored to be part of an organization that strives to make a positive and lasting impact on individuals and families affected by cancer.

6. What challenges have you experienced in your professional journey? 

Throughout my professional journey, I have encountered several challenges that have profoundly shaped my growth and resilience. One of the most significant challenges has been balancing my personal health with my professional responsibilities. As a gastric cancer survivor, I had to manage medical treatments and recovery while maintaining a high level of performance at work. This required careful time management and prioritization to ensure that neither my health nor my work suffered. Navigating grief and loss has also been a considerable challenge. Losing my father to neuroendocrine cancer in 2016, along with several other relatives to various forms of cancer, deeply impacted me both personally and professionally. Coping with grief while maintaining my focus and productivity at work was an arduous balance to strike, demanding emotional strength and resilience.

Adapting to diverse roles over the course of my career has required flexibility and a willingness to step out of my comfort zone. From community organizer to leading community health equity initiatives, each transition brought new skills to learn and new environments to navigate. This adaptability has been crucial in successfully managing the varied demands of my roles.Resource constraints have been a recurring challenge in my work in community outreach and education. Working with limited budgets, staffing, and materials often necessitated finding creative solutions to maximize impact. This has taught me to be resourceful and innovative in addressing the needs of the communities I serve. Engaging underserved populations has presented its own set of challenges. Cultural barriers, language differences, and mistrust of the healthcare system are common obstacles that require tailored approaches and persistent efforts. Successfully overcoming these challenges has required building strong, trust-based relationships with community members and organizations.

Building and leading teams has been both rewarding and challenging. Ensuring alignment of goals, fostering collaboration, and maintaining high morale while navigating individual differences required strong leadership and interpersonal skills. Balancing the diverse needs and strengths of team members has been essential to achieving our collective objectives.

Maintaining work-life balance is an ongoing challenge in a high-pressure job. Ensuring that I allocate sufficient time for self-care and family while meeting professional obligations demands continuous effort and discipline. Learning to set boundaries and prioritize my well-being has been crucial in sustaining long-term productivity and satisfaction. Finally, the emotional toll of health advocacy can be substantial. Advocating for patients and their families, and witnessing their struggles, requires a great deal of emotional resilience and self-care strategies. This aspect of my work, while deeply fulfilling, also underscores the importance of taking care of my own emotional well-being.

Despite these challenges, each experience has contributed to my growth as a professional and as a person. They have taught me resilience, empathy, adaptability, and the importance of continuous learning and self-care. These lessons have strengthened my commitment to making a positive impact in my community and within the field of health education and outreach.

7. What personal or professional accomplishment are you most proud of? 

One of the personal and professional accomplishments I am most proud of is overcoming gastric cancer and using that experience to drive impactful community health initiatives. As a gastric cancer survivor, my journey has not only shaped my personal resilience but has also profoundly influenced my professional path and commitment to health advocacy.

In my role as the Senior Manager of Community Health at Blue Shield of California, I led the implementation of a two-million-dollar community-integrated solution for COVID-19 testing and vaccinations across multiple counties. This initiative, which involved collaboration with various stakeholders including Community-Based Organizations (CBOs), health programs, and government entities, was instrumental in ensuring accessible healthcare services during the pandemic. The success of this project underscored my ability to leverage partnerships and resources effectively to address critical public health needs.

Moreover, my tenure at Covered California highlighted my capability to manage extensive grant programs and engage with diverse community organizations. I successfully supervised and monitored grant-funded community organizations, ensuring adherence to state and federal regulations while fostering strong relationships with program partners. The management of over $25 million in grants to various organizations across the state stands as a testament to my strategic planning and execution skills.

Despite these professional achievements, my battle with cancer remains a cornerstone of my motivation and drive. Surviving cancer and experiencing the loss of my father and several relatives to the disease has fueled my dedication to health education and community outreach. This personal connection to the cause has empowered me to lead with empathy and a deep understanding of the challenges faced by those affected by cancer. 

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In summary, my most significant accomplishment is not just a singular professional milestone, but rather the intertwining of my personal battle with cancer and my professional endeavors to enhance community health. This journey has reinforced my commitment to making a meaningful impact and advocating for those who may not have a voice, ensuring that my work is both personally fulfilling and professionally significant.

8. What are your interests/hobbies outside of work? 

Outside of work I embrace a diverse range of interests that keep me engaged and fulfilled. As a dad of two boys, much of my time is dedicated to being a supportive swim dad, cheering on my sons as they make waves in the pool. There's nothing quite like the pride I feel watching them excel and grow in their chosen sport.

In my downtime I enjoy immersing myself in the captivating world of K Dramas and catching up on the latest episodes of Law and Order (ALL OF THEM). It's my guilty pleasure and a welcome escape from the demands of everyday life, but I'm not all about screen time. I also have a deep appreciation for staying active and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Whether I'm signing up for a triathlon to challenge myself or simply enjoying a leisurely bike ride or swim, I believe in the importance of balance and self-care. I thrive in environments that challenge me to innovate and problem-solve, constantly pushing myself to achieve new heights of success.

I enjoy discovering new culinary experiences and exploring different eateries. Finding new places to eat adds an exciting dimension to my life, allowing me to indulge in diverse flavors and cuisines. I'm a driven individual who thrives on juggling the demands of work, family, and personal interests. I'm constantly seeking new experiences and opportunities for growth, both professionally and personally. With a positive outlook and a determination to succeed, I'm ready to tackle whatever life throws my way.

9. What is a fun or random fact about you? 

I was my High School Mascot, Go Bulldogs! Which also happens to be the High School on which the movie Stand and Deliver is based on. I performed with Michael Jackson at the 1993 Super Bowl Halftime show.

Have someone in mind for a spotlight? Nominate them today!